Román Santillán Developer

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I'm Román


I'm FrontEnd Developer dedicated to fulfill and carry out ideas and business models. I'm so passionate about programming and design and I like seeing code as a tool to find more efficient solutions and ways of communication.

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This is me

Do you want to know more about me?

I have spent the last 2 years of my life learning programming and developing responsive web applications that offer solutions. I am a Front End Developer aware of the constant changes in the world of technology, which is why I keep updating my knowledge constantly.

  • Triangle icon

    Web Development

  • Triangle icon

    Web Design

  • Triangle icon

    Responsive Design

My experience

Do you want to know about my experience?

  • Education

    • Academlo logo

      Academlo (April 2022 — Nowadays)

      Web Programming Bootcamp

    • UPA LOGO

      Universidad Politécnica de Aguascalientes (January 2021 - April 2022)

      Computational Systems Engineer

  • Profesional experience

    So far I still have no experience in the working environment and I am looking for my first opportunity, however, I have developed multiple projects that you can consult in my portfolio as a proof of the application of my knowledge.

    Check my projects!

If you want to review any of my projects, visit its fully live operation. In addition, you can find all the code in its corresponding GitHub repository. Just click on the one that interests you.


Get to know some of the technologies I’ve worked with and developed many of my applications with. The list is constantly growing, because if there is something that makes me feel proud is that I am a person who is passionate about learning new things:

The last few years

Programming changed my life.

During my 23 years of life I have always been a boy interested in the world around him. Since I can remember the technology has been part of my day to day, as a result of it, and of my insatiable desire to learn something new, the programming appeared in my life, giving a 180 degree turn to the way in which I face the everyday problems and the not so everyday.

I feel fortunate to have discovered my passion at such a young age, because for me, the code is more than a simple tool with which products and/or services are created, I like to think that programming achieves a deeper approach with people and allows you to develop your capacity for creativity and analysis.

Proof of this is me, since I learned to make my ideas come true thanks to a programming language, I have felt freedom and personal satisfaction, it gave me security and indisputably changed my way of thinking, because now, I fully trust me and my abilities.

Román Santillán Signature

My Personal Blog

Learn programming, learn the news and read my tips

Screen with a lot of code

Learning to code

What do you need to progress in programming?

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Why am I a developer?

A little of my story. Maybe it’s similar to yours.

Get Know
Developer (me) in front of a computer
Cup of coffee and lettering

Apply what you learn

Strengthen your knowledge with projects

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Are you interested in working with me? Send me a message, give me a call send me a mail. I’m watching your messages.

Don’t wait any longer and start making that idea a reality with Roman Santillan!

Name: Saulo Román Santillán Nava

Location: Aguascalientes, México
Address: Gravitación #108, Real del Sol