Román Santillán Developer

Learning to code — Who said it’s easy to learn to code?

Román Santillán

July 17, 2022

Advice and Thoughts

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Undoubtedly, one of the big barriers to learning something new is the constant discomfort of ignorance. Making mistakes is somewhat frustrating, but it is also the best ally to improve. It was difficult for me to understand this. Error after error and not feeling a breakthrough is something that discouraged me very often, more my demotivation became when reading and listening in countless sites and videos that learning to program is "very simple". Nothing could be further from the truth.

I do not mean that software development is reserved merely for some fortunate unicorns with extremely high intellectual ratios. I defend the idea that anyone can learn to program, yes, anyone with determination, discipline habits developed and people emotionally prepared for failure.

I want to clarify that I am not a special programmer, it took me a lot to understand that if I wanted to learn how to develop applications, I had to have consistency and daily dedication. Therefore, if anything I can advise all those who start in the wonderful world of programming is not to waste time looking for the "best bootcamp" or the "ultimate course" but focus on developing skills that make the best stand out from others, dedication, discipline, perseverance and love for what they do.

I like to think that when you have passion for what you do, the real victory is not in the results, but the process of doing that thing which makes us feel good.

Whatever language or technology you’re learning, believe me that more than one has already passed by, I’ve also felt frustration and discouragement, I’ve also wanted to give up, but whenever a crazy idea like that comes to my mind, I come to the same conclusion, which is the message of this writing, programming is not easy, and easy things are not worth it, being a developer is worth it!

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