Román Santillán Developer

Why am I a developer?

Román Santillán

August 19, 2022

Advice and Thoughts

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My learning, like that of many, was full of ups and downs. At first the books were my allies, then I realized that this industry changes extremely fast and that probably the content that was in them was a little obsolete. However, I found my ability to learn by myself with them. Spending hours facing a problem and not being able to figure out its logic was something that motivated me to want to improve my skills. That’s when I found web development on the Internet. What is HTML? What is CSS about? Is JavaScript very difficult? I felt doubt and excitement, but I realized I was facing something wonderful.

I looked for educational platforms in which to learn these technologies, I even determined my learning path and ... nothing came out expected. I realized that it was more difficult than it seemed, because like any other person I lacked organization and determination, plus the courses I found were quite boring and impractical. But I decided not to give up, because I really liked programming. After much research and reading I learned about Udemy’s courses and their low price. I finally see the light! I’m not going to lie, at first it didn’t seem very different. It was until I took a look at the courses of instructor Fernando Herrera ( which I recommend ) and realized that each course had many projects to practice and apply knowledge. ¡ Just what I was looking for!

I got down to work and decided to be a committed person, I organized my schedules, I prioritized my studies and I set out to get a job in this area ( I’m still searching ). Course after course and my mind changed, I realized that these courses were not really just for gaining knowledge but to encourage you to develop what you imagine. Maybe one day I can schedule the next Facebook.

Then, like most programmers, I was a bit at odds with the design. Another challenge for me, how to make my apps look attractive and modern? It was several weeks of understanding that it’s all an art to think beyond the code. Today he did not consider me an expert designing, but I defend myself, thanks to my skills I managed to develop many projects including this portfolio, and I am very proud of it.

My photo

I’m a developer because I enjoy being wrong. Because I love the excitement of the unknown and about because I love breaking things and by myself learning to repair them. In the developed web this is the task of the day to day.

If I had to go through the same path again and dedicate more than 8 hours a day to practice and understand concepts I would do it with all the taste of the world, because the feeling of creating something for yourself is priceless.

I’m a developer because programming is my passion.

© Saulo Román Santillán Nava 2022